Shravas Technologies Pvt Ltd



Software products often are to be tested during their time of production. A software product test is necessary because many a times, these products are vulnerable for the slightest of errors and malwares. These software are hence not complete or 100% efficient. For avoiding these negligible and other long time errors, we have to perform a set or a series of efficiency testing or product testing services.

Each and every software, application developing firms and companies are almost sure and dedicated in making the series of software tests before finally giving it to the client or the company concerned for such software.



A software testing company, possess an excellent team of software and IT professionals, dealing in day-to-day advancement of software and software products. For each and every software product, we tend to follow a systematic development of software products and sequentially follow the basic software flowchart while creating any software of different complexes and fields.

Automated Testing:

In automated software product testing service, the software is set to the stage of varied testing and the product testing service is hence carried out for a particular software for the first stage.

Manual Testing:

The second stage is the manual testing, which features the software product testing to be carried out manually and the software is finally full-proof safe. Therefore, writing and developing test scripts is as essential as purchasing the software. This requires thorough knowledge and experience of working with the most updated software.